Saturday, April 29, 2017

'General' Rules/Advice/Reminders to developers like myself

1) Assumptions
Make no assumptions.
Try to confirm in any way possible - e.g read documentation, ask someone, look more closely at the codebase, google, etc. etc.

2) Abstractions
Learn to view any system as consisting of layers of Abstractions.
Thumb-rule: To fix an issue - Work at the highest level of Abstraction as possible.
Knowledge about all levels of Abstraction is desired, but, among all the levels of Abstraction where solutions are possible, fixing a bug should be done at the outermost level of Abstraction.

E.g. Bootstrap widgets use jquery internally. Use the functions that Boostrap provides when working with Bootstrap widgets. When everything that Bootstrap provides proves to be insufficient, then use jquery.

3) Developer Testing
Test end-to-end, the feature that you are touching.
And that is the bare minimum.
In addition to the above, we have to think about all the other areas that could get affected by our changes.

E.g. If you are touching Step 2 in a feature that has 5 steps, we have to test all the 5 steps, and not just Step 2.

4) A good developer is a Power User.
We have to know about the things we are developing for.
We have to constantly be using what the users are using or will be using.

E.g. Unless you are a frequent user of Social Networking sites, you cannot be a good developer if you want to do some development related to Social Networking

5) 3 things to keep learning - programming languages/frameworks, company specific framework,  Domain
Knowledge of the various programming tools (e.g. Ruby/Rails) we will be using daily is the bare minimum.
Apart from the above, usually every company has some specific frameworks that they have built for themselves. We have to learn that too.
Once we have enough technology knowledge, we can start to contribute towards solving Business Problems (of all sizes). Solving Business Problems however needs Domain Knowledge too. So we have to try to learn that as well.

6) Courage to learn at your own pace
It is sometimes very disheartening when we struggle to learn something new.
During those times, it takes a great deal of courage to still continue, and not give up.
We have to remember that learning slowly is infinitely better than completely giving up.
Giving up temporarily is ok - recharge and try again.
This is very important because, as developers, we have to learn continuously.

7) Screw Office Politics & Discussions to improve Process
This final point is an opinion and not a general rule like the above 1-6 rules.

Process, People-Management are important to any company and some people do have to worry about such headaches.
If that is not your cup of tea, always be on your guard to not get into those things, because such things are a daily reality for any company.

Seemingly-Harmless-Gossip is prevalent in every company and can have serious effects on people's careers if indulged in too much.

Office Gossip - Not OK;  Other Gossip - OK
Process Discussions - Not OK; Technology Discussions - OK

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