Friday, November 18, 2011

TableSorter, Flexigrid examples


This does everything on the Client (i.e. data is downloaded and then Paging, Sorting, Filtering (Search) is done on the data).

(I modified the jquery.tablesorter.filter.js file because there was a bug - search was being conducted on a row after combining all its column values without a space in between; this results in extra rows being displayed in the Search)
TableSorter with Paging & Search


This does everything on the Server (i.e. paging, sorting, searching)
Unzip the file, open as Website in Visual Studio, right-click on "HTMLPage_UsingJquery1.7.htm" or "HTMLPage.htm" , and select View in Browser

1) If on Page 2,3,.. (>1), and then Search string is modified, page number does not go to 1 automatically. This is a problem if Search results do not exceed 1 page. (I could not rectify this by passing 'page':1 to flexOptions like I did for Search parameters.)

2) Displaying 10 of 23 results - this message at the bottom-right does not update properly with Search & Paging updates

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

External Tables example

Using FIXED -


SQL Data Loader example

A simpler example - data contained within the .ctl file (for testing purposes)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - technologies used

  • Nodejs for Webserver 
  • Express for MVC
  • JQuery
  • Backbone
  • SocketIO
  • JQueryUI
 It's all written in Coffee Script as well. Mongo stores our permanent data, and we're using Redis as a transient data store.

From - 

backbone.js is a client-side MVC framework.
JSPP is a means you can write inline server-side code (like PHP or ASP) for nodejs
Express is a node.js specific server-side framework for web development.
Ext JS is a framework for making web applications and widgets.
There all very different. There isn't any point in a direct comparison without you telling us what you want to use them for.
To vaguely answer your question. IMHO I would say using backbone.js on the client and on nodejs is great for MVC centric design.
Express is a great layer of abstraction on nodejs because it beats writing the code yourself. Use it to serve content to your clients.
Ext JS is not free.
JSPP looks like ASP/PHP!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finding out which apps are using which ports on your machine

Above link suggests using "netstat" along with "tasklist"

Another way is to use "netstat" along with Task Manager

Step 1: Open Task Manager  -- select "View" -- select "Select Columns" -- check PID
Find out PID of the process whose port info you are after.

Step 2: (From above link)
C:\>NetStat -o

PID will displayed in the last column. Use PID from Step 1

Example: To find the port that "sqlservr.exe" is using, we first find out the PID from Task Manager ,which is 1660
If we now type "netstat -o" in a command prompt window, we will be able to see which port is being used by that PID ie 1660

Thursday, September 8, 2011

WCF Callbacks related - Steps to do on client-side when using wsDualHttpBinding

Client = WPF app (chat application)
WCF Service = uses wsDualHttpBinding (to make callbacks to the clients)
OS= Windows XP
(The whole project is an implementation of  - )

After initially developing the client (a WPF app) and the WCF Service on the same machine, we moved the WCF Service to a test server.

I received the error message - The caller was not authenticated by the service..

Upon googling, it turned out that this is the common error message that is received when developers typically move their WCF Service to another machine.

1. In client's app.config file :

<security mode="None">
                        <message clientCredentialType="None" negotiateServiceCredential="false" />

2. Specified "clientBaseAddress" attribute for "binding" element in client's app.config:


(I used machine-name or IP address instead of "localhost" in clientBaseAddress)

3. Add 8001 port to Firewall's Exception list

Did the following to make the WPF app, running as a non-admin , to receive the callback properly from the WCF service. This will take care of the following error -
HTTP could not register URL http://*:8001/TempUri/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace

4. Download HttpNamespaceManager tool from

5. Add SDDL using HttpNamespaceManager tool - Add Users group AND give rights to Users group

6. (OPTIONAL step) Specifying clientBaseAddress via code instead of from app.config - If we do this, we do not have to change app.config when we install the app on the user's machine

// modify ClientBaseAddress to have this machine's IP address in the Url
// The ClientBaseAddress is needed for the Service to contact the client

WSDualHttpBinding w = (WSDualHttpBinding)this.chatServiceClient.Endpoint.Binding;

w.ClientBaseAddress = new Uri("http://" + getIPAddress() + ":8001/TempUri");      

chatServiceClient.Endpoint.Binding = w;


private string getIPAddress()
string myClientMachineName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
        IPHostEntry myClientMachineAddressList = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(myClientMachineName);
        return myClientMachineAddressList.AddressList[0].ToString();

WCF CallBacks related - Assign ClientBaseAddress in code

Update ClientBaseAddress via code

Monday, September 5, 2011

WCF Callbacks

The below is a good example of using WCF Callbacks -

But I have stripped down the code for the 'client' to the below, to understand the main steps more easily.
By 'stripping down', I mean, I removed error checking code and made the MainWindow class implement the callback function

Friday, July 1, 2011

Small Basic - for beginners and kids
Microsoft Small Basic puts the fun back into computer programming. With a friendly development environment that is very easy to master, it eases both kids and adults into the world of programming.

101 Examples in Linq - MSDN

C# -

VB -

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Adding Text to Days in DatePicker jqueryui

Steps Required Steps:
(1) All days displayed are actually <a> tags. So, replace html of the required <a> tag with required html
Repeat 1 for as many days as required.
(2) At this point , since the html for some <a> tags has been modified, the height and width of the cells containing these modified <a> tags might be different than others in the same row. So, for each row, find out maximum height among <a> tags, and make it the height for all <a> tags in that row.

Optional steps:
Left-align text that has been added
(4) Center all <a> tags using text-align:center

Example - jquery code for the above steps To add text to June 26, 2011 in DatePicker in jqueryui -

$('table a:eq(25)').html('<table><tr><td valign="top">26</td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size:10px"><b>Sai-On Vacation</span></td></tr></table>');

$('table a:eq(25)').find('span').css('text-align', 'left');

$('a').css('text-align', 'center');

$('table a:eq(25)').parent().parent().find('a').height($('table a:eq(25)').height());

Function to make heights of cells same in each row The below function could be used for Step 2 in "Required Steps" above (i.e. to make the heights of all <a> tags same in a row) -

function findAnchorWithMaxHtInEachRowAndAssignItsHtToAllAnchors() {
  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // There are only 5 rows in each calendar
    max_ht = 0;
    $('table.ui-datepicker-calendar > tbody > tr:eq(' + i.toString() + ') >td > a').each(function () { // find max ht in each row
      if ($(this).height() > max_ht)
          max_ht = $(this).height();
    $('table.ui-datepicker-calendar > tbody > tr:eq(' + i.toString() + ') >td > a').each(function () { // assign this max ht to all <a> tags in that row

When showing multiple calendar controls on the page When showing multiple months, like for eg. in 2rows,3cols (i.e. 6 months), we have to prefix the following to reach the correct month's calendar instance - <span style="font-weight:bold;">$('span.ui-datepicker-month:eq(2)').parent().parent().parent().find(</span>      as in
$('span.ui-datepicker-month:eq(2)').parent().parent().parent().find('table a:eq(16)').html('17 <br> <span style="font-size:5px"><b>Sai-Approved-By Anil</b><br><i>Sai-Not Approved-By Anil</i></span>' )

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ASHX JSON - to fill a dropdownlist using AJAX

HTML page with dropdownlist that makes ajax call to a .net http handler -


http handler .ashx code -

Saturday, March 26, 2011

14 Rules to make websites faster

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

!important rule in CSS

Cascading Style Sheets cascade. This means that the styles are applied in order as they are read by the browser. The first style is applied and then the second and so on. What this means is that if a style appears at the top of a style sheet and then is changed lower down in the document, the second instance of that style will be the one applied, not the first. For example, in the following style sheet, the paragraph text will be black, even though the first style property applied is red:

p { color: #ff0000; }
p { color: #000000; }

The !important rule is a way to make your CSS cascade but also have the rules you feel are most crucial always be applied. A rule that has the !important property will always be applied no matter where that rule appears in the CSS document. So if you wanted to make sure that a property always applied, you would add the !important property to the tag. So, to make the paragraph text always red, in the above example, you would write:

p { color: #ff0000 !important; }
p { color: #000000; }


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