Friday, July 20, 2012


Taskkill /F /IM notepad.exe
/F => Forcefully terminate
/IM => image name of process e.g. notepad.exe, note*.exe (i.e. Wildcard '*' is supported)

Taskkill /?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fixed table header -using HTML and CSS only

From -

Excerpt from above (with some added formatting) -
It is possible to have a table with a scrolling body and fixed header with only HTML and CSS.

The solution is to use 3 tables.
    • An outer table consists of 2 rows
    • The top row contains a table for the heading and the bottom row contains a <div> containing the table for the scrollable body. 
    • The outer table and the <div> container have to be 25 pixels wider than the tables for the heading and the body to allow room for the vertical scroll bar. The column widths of the tables are defined through CSS.
Click on HTML tab and Result tab


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