Monday, January 27, 2020

Using Phoenix and Rails together for a project, Terraform

Abandoning MySQL in favor of a database-free architecture and an Elixir-driven data indexing model
We are abandoning MySQL database storage—our current infrastructure’s decisive bottleneck—in favor of a database-free architecture and an Elixir-driven data indexing model. 

Elixir - online resources for learning

  1. ElixirConf Youtube Channel — All of the videos of speakers from ElixirConf starting back from 2017. Lots of great information and different perspectives.
  2. Elixir Forum — An active Elixir only forum where you can get quick and valuable feedback from engineers working in Elixir.
  3. Elixir tutorials and classes — A mixture of free and paid training classes.
  4. Elixir School — A destination for newbie and experienced Elixir programmers.
  5. Programming Elixir 1.6 — If you’re an experienced programmer looking for a comprehensive written resource on programming in Elixir, then this book is for you.
  6. Elixir training on Github
  7. Slack Bot tutorial — How to develop a Slack bot with Elixir and Phoenix.
  8. How to Learn Elixir for Hipster Javascript Developers — Some great basic concepts of Elixir.
  9. Learn Elixir in Y minutes — A high-level overview of Elixir on one page.
  10. How We Learned Elixir — A great story, with examples, about how engineers at a company learned Elixir.

Elixir, Telemetry, Prometheus example

A base Elixir project with Prometheus instrumentation through telemetry

htop explained visually

The Sass Ampersand

Friday, January 24, 2020

Web Components related

What Would You Do Without a Framework? Front-End Anew with Lit-HTML - May 29 2019

Declarative Reactive Web Components with Justin Fagnani - June 2019

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Excerpt from

Iterators are a special kind of behavior, a design pattern actually, where we step through an ordered set of values one at a time by calling next(). Imagine for example using an iterator on an array that has five values in it: [1,2,3,4,5]. The first next() call would return 1, the second next() call would return 2, and so on. After all values had been returned, next() would return null or false or otherwise signal to you that you've iterated over all the values in the data container.

New Web APIs


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