Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Rails - ActiveRecord related

Monday, January 28, 2019

Distributed Phoenix Chat using Redis PubSub

Elixir OTP Stock Quotes App (IEX Group)

Developing a Slack Bot in Elixir Phoenix

Whistle - a web framework based on Elixir


What problems does Whistle address?

Whistle is a web framework that works a bit differently than normal MVC web frameworks. It is composed of stateful long-running components, allowing you to create interactive applications entirely in Elixir via WebSockets, while being also able to render an HTML page like any other web framework.
It aims to provide a more functional approach to building web apps in Elixir, while also taking more advantage of Erlang's actor model.
It also provides an extensive Javascript API for when Elixir alone doesn't cut it and interop with existing front-end libraries like React is needed.

Avoid these OTP Supervision performance pitfalls

Processing Large CSV files with Elixir Streams

ecommerce - Elixir

Building a new MySQL adapter for Ecto - Plataformatec blog

Elixir Interview Questions

Sunday, January 6, 2019

With Rails UJS, how to submit a remote form from a function

tail + grep (multiple patterns)


Example: To grep for "Processing by" & "Parameters:" -
tail -f log/development.log | grep -E "Processing by|Parameters:"

2019-01-06 14:24:20.030 [INFO ] [30600:1788] Processing by Spree::ProductsController#index as JS

2019-01-06 14:24:20.031 [INFO ] [30600:1788]   Parameters: {"sort_scope"=>"default", "page"=>"12", "infiniteScroll"=>"true"}


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