Friday, June 28, 2013

Hosting A (static) Web Site On S3, GitHub Pages

Of course, you can’t run any dynamic scripting on S3, but you’d be surprised the number of times you don’t have to. For example, the promo site for my taxi appdoes use dynamic content- the map tile images are generated by an EC2 instance I have running TileStream- but the vast majority of the page runs quite happily on S3. JSONP or CORS mean that you can quite effectively run an ‘API’ server on an EC2 instance, while leaving the majority of your static HTML on an S3 bucket.

Github Pages:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Facebook Graph API,picture,picture,friends&oauth_token=425581657554925|jssQVK-ENgAFILVt5-XVQRSYbl4
(To get the oauth_token - go to Access Token tool -

Javascript Test Console & Examples:

Posting a photo to a Wall:
(see HBK's answer)

Posting a Canvas element as a Photo to Facebook's Wall:
        -- uses code from here -

Phonegap & Facebook


1. FacebookConnect plugin for Phonegap Build

2. Phonegap-Facebook-plugin

3. without using native plugin  (added on Jun 12 2013)
Jquery PhoneGap Facebook Connect Plugin - without native plugin
This plugin connects to facebook without using native plugin (Android, iOS, etc)
Plugin working mode "Site Login with Facebook"

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Creating a new Phonegap app to work with in Eclipse

After Steps 1-3, for each project we have to repeat Step 4.

1. Navigate to where 'create.exe' is: 
C:\Windows\System32> cd C:\dev\phonegap-2.8.1\lib\android\bin

2. C:\dev\phonegap-2.8.1\lib\android\bin> create   C:\dev\PGAndroid2 com.psjplearn.PGAndroid2   PGAndroid2

C:\dev\PGAndroid2 = folder to create for new project
com.psjplearn.PGAndroid2 = package name (com.companyname.appname)
PGAndroid2 = project name

3. Add files to assets\www folder

Javascript - scope, closures

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Backbone.js - 1

OOP using Classic Javascript vs Backbone.js:
JS Bin
Backbone Models: JS Bin

Frameworks vs Libraries, Backbone.js

From Pluralsight's course on Backbone.js
"Frameworks call your code , while your code calls Libraries...
Another way to think of it is - Frameworks control how you design you app...they specify things like, 'where' you put 'what' files, what you can do, and how you do it..
It's great for getting started, and it's great for getting things done quickly, but it is terrible for flexibility..
Libraries provide some useful features, and then you are on your own.
Backbone for example, provides help with a number of common user interface features, but does not help at all with how you design your application. It's both its strength and weakness." 
Backbone is a library of tools..

Running a .apk file in Android Emulator

From :

Pre-requisite - install Java & ADT bundle from

Download the .apk file (from Phonegap Build)

In console - go to \sdk\platform-tools directory (It will have adb.exe)
C:\dev\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\sdk\platform-tools> adb install -r PGApp1.apk
(-r --> required to re-install the same app)

Note: It is taking a really long time (several minutes) for the Emulator to start on Windows 7 64 bit machine (Have seen similar complaints in StackOverflow questions)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Javascript at LinkedIn

HTML5 Canvas related
We briefly considered doing everything Canvas-related in this app in plain JavaScript, but since we wanted to use layers, events and transitions (all of which are not available in the Canvas API), we opted to use the Canvas framework KineticJS.

HTML5 Canvas - put 2 images beside each other

JS Bin
JS Bin
JS Bin
In the above code, toDataURL() is giving an error because of security restrictions. Observe the alert() does not fire.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Javascript - namespace/module example

Method1: (This is what I found in an example)
var SILLY = (function (module) {
      module.DoIt = function (resultObject) {
          resultObject.prepend(Date() + '
'); }; return module; } (SILLY || {}); // "{}" means "new Object()". It is a shortcut NOTE: The last line could be : (SILLY || {}) => (SILLY || (new Object()))); ----- Method2: (This is how we would write the above code in C#/Java style) --------- var SILLY = (function() { if (SILLY === undefined) { var SILLY = new Object(); SILLY.DoIt = function (resultObject) { resultObject.prepend(Date() + '<br >'); }; } return SILLY; }());
jsbin link for full example -

Phonegap learning - jQuery Mobile, Handlebars.js example

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kendo UI & Phonegap

Mobile Development & Phonegap related

Javascript libraries:


Reuse Existing Tools

Since PhoneGap applications leverage Web technologies, there are countless existing libraries or frameworks that you can leverage to accelerate application development. Whether it is a solution accelerator framework like jQuery or Zepto, a UI toolkit like Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile, or Sencha, or a data visualization library like Raphael.js, Highcharts, or RGraph.js, there are lots of resources both open source and commercially that you can leverage within your applications.
Solution Accelerator Frameworks - jQuery, Zepto
UI Toolkits - Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile, Sencha
Data Visualization Libraries - Raphael.js, Highcharts, RGraph.js

3rd party Database options:

1. - - Dec 2012

2. - - June 2012

Push Notifications:

Below plugin allows the App to receive push notifications on both Android and iOS devices:
Tutorial -

Above github link also mentions a Ruby Gem called "pushmeup"  (See section titled "Test Environment")
(Use - to push notifications directly from your desktop during development)


BEM methodology for UI organization
BEM Architecture is mentioned on Adobe's page.

Sublime Text shortcuts

Toggle SideBar - Ctrl K,B
Layout - Alt Shft 1 (or Alt Shft 2) 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Phonegap related
One other advantage of PhoneGap build is that it lets designers/developers build mobile applications without having to install any developer tools. If you want to compile a PhoneGap app for iOS, but are on Windows – just use PhoneGap build and you won’t need Xcode or a Mac.
Good beginner's tutorial for Phonegap & Phonegap Build -
Need to try this tutorial by Christophe Coenraets -

Monday, June 3, 2013

Rails: Get currently logged in user details

On Dev machine - rails console - the below gives the details of the logged in user (i.e. myself)

User.find(:all, :conditions => ["current_sign_in_ip != '' "])

(Found it here -!topic/plataformatec-devise/tOKU_jcWNp0 )

Sunday, June 2, 2013

console settings (for PYR project)

To see all the routes displayed by "rake routes" (on Windows console):

1) rake routes | grep #

2) The output of the above command is fairly long, so, to see the whole output, we have to change the console's properties to something similar to the below 


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