Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Courses suggested by Javinpaul (Twitter)

 Best Software Architecture and Design Pattern Courses

1. Design Patterns in Java - bit.ly/3nYGrYR

2. Grokking the OOP Design - bit.ly/3pA4wFD

3. Master Microservices  - bit.ly/2FNlleF

4. Software Architecture Patterns - bit.ly/38Ixqg5

5 Free Courses for Data Structure and Algorithms

1. Data Structure  - bit.ly/3l4VxMj

2. Algorithms - bit.ly/3P45Gqi

3. A Visual Intro to Algorithms - bit.ly/3NcwIKx

4. Data Structures Java - bit.ly/2F5V1uW

5. more - bit.ly/3w2YQJY

5 Best Courses for Microservices

1. Microservice Architecture  - bit.ly/3w1zGva

2. Principles - bit.ly/3ruSCR7

3. Scalable Microservices - bit.ly/3MaP7GS

4. Microservice with Java   -  bit.ly/2FNlleF

5. more - bit.ly/3PQzR3v

6 System Design Problems

 6 System Design Problems [Solved]

1. Instagram- bit.ly/3BqamCL

2. Youtube Design - bit.ly/3bbNnAN

3. WhatsApp - bit.ly/3SbA9Eu

4. Parking Lot - bit.ly/3eMUosX

5. Library design- bit.ly/3SfwJQe

6. URL Shortner - bit.ly/3dZoQ2G

Friday, September 16, 2022

AWS SQS vs SNS vs EventBridge - When to Use What? - Aug 2021


Kafka - basics


Streaming 101: The world beyond batch


The Lambda Architecture: 2011 - 


Questioning the Lambda Architecture - 2014 - in favour of Kafka - 


Future of Data Engineering - Dec 2019


Kafka related - "ETL Is Dead, Long Live Streams: real-time streams w/ Apache Kafka"

Podcasts and YouTube channels recommended by Hussein Nasser

Below is from his Youtube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NsWnT_-FoE

Podcasts and YouTube channels recommended by Hussein Nasser

Recommended Podcasts




Recommended YouTube Channels





Saturday, September 3, 2022

React Native related - error trying to start Simulator using 'i' shortcut

Error: xcrun exited with non-zero code: 2

An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=2):

Unable to boot device because we cannot determine the runtime bundle.

No such file or directory




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