Saturday, April 28, 2018


iOS - 10

Ruby, RoR - 0.5

React -

Vue - 4

Electron - 4
- have to check how notifications are shown (which are notifications and which are just toastr messages; where is notification manager?)
- faye code to show notifications?
- rules engine
- how to submit an Electron app to Windows Store & Mac App Store
  -- can we submit a sample app
- prevent session timeout so that user stays logged-in
--- if user stays logged-in, then things that happen at login time (like Login Interrupts) need to be triggered when user launches app
- can we write code to distinguish whether user is using browser or Electron app ?
- look at Google Analytics for different clients to see usage on Windows and MacOS
- on Macs we can show Notifications that stay on the screen; can we do the same on Windows? 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Mongodb related

1) Export
Above command will export everything (all databases) into a folder called 'dump'

2) Import
mongorestore dump

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rails: How to chain scope queries with OR instead of AND?

Internal Side Projects

I wrote the below comment in in response to a post about Hype Driven Development

There is a solution in my opinion: Internal-Side-Projects.

The only way, for a team to choose/decide in an informed manner, is to do some Internal-Side-Projects using the said framework/stack. Internal-side-projects = something non-critical but useful that everyone can work on, and should work on.

At the minimum, all senior-developers in the team/company should do be indulging in this. If we do this, when the time comes to make a decision, the team will actually have meaningful discussions. Sometimes decisions become obvious when people actually know what they are talking about. (The happy side-effect is that developers remain happy as they get to learn new things.)

However, for this to be practically possible, the company's culture should plan for & encourage such internal-side-projects.

This is absolutely essential for a company/team to remain competitive in the long-run.


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