Saturday, August 29, 2020

Phoneix LiveView & iOS app

"The iOS part is a simple swift app that loads a webview with some simple code to pass messages between native and web lands. The webview is Phoenix LiveView, i.e. server side rendered HTML with events and DOM diffs going back and forth over the Phoenix websocket." 

Monday, August 24, 2020

React - Thought/Idea

 Look for a way to outline components created by developers of a team

i.e. differentiate between components given by a Framework (like Antd) and components added by a team's developers.

CSS Grid related


Sunday, August 23, 2020

React Hooks - useSelector - useSelector hook first returns undefined state and after an action call returns the state correctly

CSS - inline-block vs table-cell

Excerpt 1:

You'll also find the gap between block when you apply display: inline-block;  

Re-size your window by pressing Ctrl key and scrolling with mouse scroll button to see differences.

Notice the vertical-align: middle; is not working as display: table-cell; in display: inline-block;.

 Exceprt 2:

Set line-height equal to element height and vertical-align will work for inline-block.

App for sketching UI & UX



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