Monday, January 30, 2017



git-recall is a simple tool that allows you to easily go through your commits and check what you or other contributors in your team did. It doesn't aim to be a replacement for the git log command, but just to be a handy way to recall what you've done from your terminal.

Introduce process only as a last resort


Introduce process only as a last resort

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how organizations love process. Having systems and process can be very important. Without them, lines can be blurred, slopes become slippery, and maintaining consistency becomes very difficult. That being said, process is also toxic and dangerous to startups, especially at the early stages. When rules & process are introduced, you limit people’s autonomy, and chip away at the critical thinking and common sense that is required of them everyday.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Comparing Elixir and Go

For very focused code, portable system level tools, performance intensive tasks, and APIs, Go is very hard to beat. For full-stack web applications, distributed systems, real-time systems, or embedded applications, I’d reach for Elixir.


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