Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rails - list of things to learn apart from Ruby

Rails - how to preload scopes

It seems Scopes can result in N+1 queries if not used properly since they cannot be preloaded...And author shows a way of how to use them correctly (i.e. without resulting in N+1 queries).

To learn about eager loading -

More on the topic:

Preload, Eagerload, Includes and Joins -

Saturday, June 20, 2015

.Net related - Collapse of .Net EcoSystem!26479&ithint=file%2cdocx&app=Word&authkey=!AHbAQ1i_GgwNxJY

I definitely agree with the below point. It has been the most frustrating part for me as a .Net developer.
2) It’s hard to make long term investments when Microsoft’s ever revolving door of new technologies continuously makes previous codebases obsolete. That climate makes both businesses and developers afraid to invest resources in potentially defunct technologies. Remember when WinForms was replaced by WPF? Only to be replaced by Silverlight? Then by Windows Phone apps? Which were replaced by Universal apps? Or what about how Web Services were replaced by WCF only to be replaced by Web API?
And here is the reddit thread (where most people disagree with the article): 

Rails Resources

Monday, June 1, 2015

Article: The Argument for Teaching Computer Science Without Computers

Teaching computer science as a way of arranging reality rather than a way of arranging syntax or data structures—what's more appropriately known as programming or even coding—is among the arguments made by Thomas J. Cortina, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, in a recent issue of ACM Communications. His general point, which is only sketched here, is that we should be aggressively advancing programs like CS Unplugged, which is a kid-focused curriculum of sorts developed by a group at the University of Caterbury in New Zealand, with a stated goal being the teaching of computational principles rather than programming and technical details. It's a great idea.
By being physically part of the solution to a problem as it is being solved, kids learn from observations and experiences.
Activity examples range from teaching data compression via rhymes, graph theory via mud, finite state automata via pirates, and so on. It's surprisingly deep given the target audience (though maybe algebra and trig would seem that way too if we weren't so used to it).


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